deaf ears
poster, 28"X38" 2011
Presented in two versions for the Capilano Review special issue and gallery show, entitled Manifestos Now!: the former across six pages in the issue, and the latter as a single poster for installation in a group show at the Teck Gallery, Simon Fraser University.
The piece consists of 16mm film frame reproductions excerpted from the wooden lightbox: a secret art of seeing. In a grid, a single letter appears in each of 50 frames, gradually getting smaller and smaller. it reads:
In the film, the text acts, among other things, as a challenge to the audience to decipher as they only see a single letter on the screen at a time while the film unfolds, each viewer experiencing it differently depending on the quality of their eyesight.
In the poster and published versions, the piece acts more as an eyechart of single handprocessed film frames as well as manifesto.